The Circular Businesses Conference aims to promote a broad mobilization of stakeholders from the primary, industry and services sectors, together with the public actors and the citizens around the challenges and the opportunities created by the development of a “circular economy”.
A shift from a “take, make, consume and dispose” model into a circular model, in line with the constraints of resource availability and preservation of sustainable living conditions, will involve all the economic actors: product designers, manufacturing industries, product distributors, repair and reuse sector, and recycling and disposal industry.
After the publication of an “EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy”, in December 2015, and the adoption of a set of measures, among which the EU Strategy for plastics, the European Commission has published a 2018 EU roadmap “Towards an EU Product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy” which will nurture the debates during the Circular Businesses Conference, through a free exchange of ideas among the high level European decision makers and the representatives of the main industrial sectors.
Brussels - 26 September 2018
Charlemagne Building
Organising Entity
Registered office: 205 Rue Belliard
1040 Brussels, Belgium