14.30 – 16.00 | Parallel Working Sessions
Second Round
Empowering consumers in support of circular economy
Many consumers wish to support the transition to a circular economy, but need an adequate legal framework and the right information to make the right decisions. This information would need to take account of the full product life cycle and be reliable. False green claims must be countered so that producers that really offer more durable, repairable, sustainable products are rewarded. Where, when and how should this information be made available, and by whom? Is further action EU or national level required and, if so, in what way?
Remanufacturing and upgrading products
Remanufacturing offers potential to keep products in the loop by restoring their functionality and updating them to keep up with product innovation. Europe has a strong position in this area and there is large potential in terms of growth and jobs. How can this sector be fully enabled to fulfil the key role it has to play in the circular economy?
Circular products in the digital age
Digitalisation and the transition to a circular economy are two megatrends with clear potential for synergies, but do we unlock this potential? With the onset of the Internet of things and other digital developments, more and more products and devices will be connected. Can hardware and software stay compatible and upgradeable to guarantee long product lifetimes and cybersecurity?